How to Convert Mesh to Solid in AutoCAD 2019: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Install Automesher:
To begin converting meshes to solids in AutoCAD 2019, download and install our Automesher Application specifically designed for AutoCAD. Follow the on-screen instructions during installation.Restart AutoCAD:
After successful installation, close and then reopen your AutoCAD 2019 program. This allows Automesher to integrate with Autodesk's AutoCAD.Access AMCONVERTMESH:
Use the AMCONVERTMESH command from the Automesher menu or type it directly in the command line. This initiates the conversion process.Select Polyface Mesh:
Select the polyface mesh from your DWG drawing that you wish to convert into a 3d solid.Enable Fill Holes (Recommended):
In the conversion settings dialog, make sure the Fill Holes option is checked. This ensures that the resulting solid is manifold, meaning it's a watertight object without any leaks.Convert to Solid:
Click the OK button in the conversion settings dialog. Automesher will process your selected polyface mesh and convert it into a 3D solid entity directly in your AutoCAD 2019 environment.
Meshes to 3d Solids in AutoCAD 2019: Conclusion
By following these steps, you can efficiently convert a mesh into a 3d solid in AutoCAD 2019 using our Automesher Application. This process is essential for creating flawless, manifold solids, the perfect foundation for 3D printing or other engineering and design applications. Remember to check the final solid for any errors and make necessary adjustments to achieve the desired outcome. Happy designing!