KML and KMZ Files in AutoCAD DWG Drawings

Understanding KML and KMZ: Formats for Geographic Information

If you want to work with geographic data in AutoCAD, you might encounter KML and KMZ files. These file formats store information about locations, shapes, images, and styles on maps and Earth browsers, such as Google Earth. Key features include:

  • KML (Keyhole Markup Language): An XML-based format that details geographic data.
  • KMZ: A compressed version of KML, which makes file sharing easier.

These formats enable you to import and export data between different platforms and applications. You can use them to create maps, visualize terrain, analyze spatial information, and more.

Importing KML & KMZ Files: MAPIMPORT Command

To import KML and KMZ files into AutoCAD, use the MAPIMPORT command, available in AutoCAD Map 3D and AutoCAD Civil 3D. These specialized toolsets are designed for mapping and civil engineering. The MAPIMPORT command allows you to:

  1. Select the KML or KMZ File: Choose the file you wish to import.
  2. Choose the Coordinate System: Ensure your data aligns correctly within the project.

The imported data will be represented as points, lines, polygons, or images, depending on the original file.

Exporting KML & KMZ Files: MAPEXPORT Command

To export data from AutoCAD into KML or KMZ files, use the MAPEXPORT command, also available in AutoCAD Map 3D and AutoCAD Civil 3D. The MAPEXPORT command allows you to:

  1. Select the Drawing Entities: Choose the specific drawing entities to be exported.
  2. Specify the Output File Name and Location: Determine where the file will be saved and its name.
  3. Set the Coordinate System: Customize how the data will be represented in the KML or KMZ file.

The exported data can be opened in Google Earth or other applications for further use.

Beyond AutoCAD Map and Civil: Automapki Application

If the MAPIMPORT and MAPEXPORT commands are not available in your DWG editor, either because you have vanilla AutoCAD, BricsCAD, or ZWCAD, you can use our Automapki Application add-on to work with KML and KMZ files in your DWG environment. Automapki Application enhances the functionality of your DWG editor by incorporating web mapping and satellite imagery features. Key benefits include:

  • Import and Export of KML and KMZ: Seamlessly handle geographic data.
  • Overlay DWG Drawings on Various Maps: Including satellite imagery for enhanced visualization.

With these features, Automapki ensures you have comprehensive tools to manage and utilize geographic data effectively in your DWG projects.