Convert ZWCAD to GeoJSON Maps

Convert ZWCAD to GeoJSON

ZWCAD vs GeoJSON Comparison

Property ZWCAD GeoJSON
Extensions .dwg .json, .geojson
Name ZWCAD Drawing GeoJson Features
  • Min: ZWCAD 2018
  • Max: ZWCAD 2025
Geometry components

ZWCAD to GeoJSON Conversion

We present a list of valuable resources, featuring comprehensive guides and expert advice for converting ZWCAD drawings to GeoJSON format using our converters. Explore them now to expedite your ZWCAD drawings conversion later.


ZWSOFT's ZWCAD is a professional and cost-effective CAD platform that offers many features and benefits for designers, engineers, and architects. Here are some of the reasons why you should choose ZWCAD over other CAD products:

  • Compatibility with AutoCAD: ZWCAD is fully compatible with the latest DWG file format, which means you can open, edit, and save files created by AutoCAD without any loss of data or quality. You can also use the same commands, aliases, menus, toolbars, and shortcuts as AutoCAD, making the transition to ZWCAD easy and smooth.
  • Support for 3D and GIS Formats: ZWCAD supports a wide range of 3D and GIS formats, thanks to our Automesher Application and Automapki Application plugins. These plugins enhance your ZWCAD functionality to import and export files from formats such as STL, OBJ, SKP, FBX, STEP, SHP, KML, and more.
  • Customization with ObjectZRX: ZWCAD is highly customizable, thanks to the ObjectZRX technology from ZWSOFT. ObjectZRX is an object-oriented programming interface in C++ that allowed us to develop our plugins for you.

JSON GeoJSON Features File

A geospatial data interchange file format that uses JSON syntax. It is designed to store collections of geographic features along with their custom properties. It has the following features:

  • JSON Syntax: The GeoJSON format uses JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), which is a lightweight and human-readable data format. It can store collections of geographic features and their custom properties in a structured and consistent way. It can also be easily parsed and validated by various software applications.
  • Geographic Features: The GeoJSON format can store point, line string, polygon, and multi-geometry representations of geospatial data. These are defined in the WGS84 spatial reference system, which is the standard coordinate system for global positioning. Each feature has a geometry and a set of attributes that describe its properties, such as name, type, area, population, etc.
  • Limitation on Appearance: Unlike other map file formats, GeoJSON does not provide a means to define the appearance or style of geographic features. This is an important consideration when planning your geospatial data visualization.

GeoJSON Maps Converter: Automapki Application for AutoCAD, BricsCAD, and ZWCAD allows you to import and export GeoJSON maps directly in your DWG editor. You can combine geospatial data with your CAD designs and visualize them in a map context. Our add-on also supports the automatic conversion of the coordinate systems and the projection of the GeoJSON data onto the georeferenced DWG drawing.