Convert X Files to DWG

Convert X to DWG

X to DWG Conversion

We offer a list of valuable resources, featuring comprehensive guides and expert advice for converting X files to DWG format using our converters. Dive in now to make your X files conversion process smoother later.

X vs DWG Comparison

Property X DWG
Extensions .x .dwg
Name DirectX 3D AutoCAD DWG Drawing
  • Min: AutoCAD 2010
  • Max: AutoCAD 2025
Geometry components

X Direct3D File

The original interchange format for DirectX technology, developed by Microsoft in 1995 alongside the release of Windows 95. DirectX is a collection of APIs that enable high-performance graphics and multimedia applications. The X file format can store mesh geometry along with material information, such as texture images. Here are some of the key features and benefits of X:

  • Compatibility with DirectX: X is fully compatible with DirectX technology, which means you can use X files to create and render 3D models and scenes with DirectX APIs. You can also use X files to exchange data between different DirectX applications, such as games, simulations, or animations.
  • X File Converters: Autoconverter and Automesher Application software allow you to effortlessly convert X files into your native 3D modeling environment. You can choose from various formats, such as STL, OBJ, 3DM, SKP, STEP, and others.
  • Reverse Conversion: Additionally, our X file converters support reverse conversion, enabling you to convert your native files into the X file format. This allows you to use your 3D models in DirectX applications, or to share them with other users who use DirectX technology.

DWG 2D/3D CAD Drawing

A binary file format that stores CAD drawings and models, created by Autodesk for AutoCAD. Some of the benefits and features of DWG files are:

  • Compatibility: DWG files are compatible with other software packages, such as ZWCAD, BricsCAD, and IntelliCAD, which also support the DWG format. This makes DWG files the industry standard in CAD.
  • DWG Drawing Converters: DWG drawings can be easily converted into various 3D and GIS file formats, such as OBJ, STL, DXF, KML, and KMZ, using our add-ons, Automesher Application and Automapki Application. This enables you to share your AutoCAD designs with different platforms and applications.