Polyface Mesh or Surface to Manifold Faceted 3D Solid Conversion

Introducing Automesher: Mesh to Solid Conversion Tool

Automesher Application 1.7.5 empowers users of AutoCAD, BricsCAD, and ZWCAD with a powerful new functionality: seamless conversion of polyface meshes and surface entities into valid 3D solid model elements. This conversion capability unlocks a range of new possibilities for design and analysis within your CAD environment.

From Mesh to Solid: Overcoming Conversion Hurdles

While the goal is a solid conversion, challenges can arise due to imperfections in the source mesh:

  • Mesh Gaps and Errors: In some cases, the source mesh might contain small gaps or other geometrical inconsistencies that prevent direct conversion into a solid. These imperfections can hinder the creation of a fully enclosed volume, a critical requirement for a solid model.
  • Open Surfaces as a Fallback: When encountering such limitations, the default behavior in previous versions of Automesher would be to create an open surface instead of a solid. While this open surface might be usable, it lacks the full capabilities of a true solid model.

Automesher 1.7.5: Addressing the Challenge with Mesh Healing

The new version of Automesher tackles these conversion hurdles head-on with a dedicated mesh healing feature:

  • Triangulation and Hole Closing: Automesher 1.7.5 incorporates a powerful tool that can triangulate and close any holes present within the source mesh. This process essentially fills in gaps and ensures the mesh completely encloses a volume.
  • Solid Conversion Success: In the majority of cases, this mesh healing functionality proves sufficient to successfully convert the input polyface mesh or surface entity into a valid 3D solid model within your AutoCAD, BricsCAD, or ZWCAD drawing.

Beyond Conversion: Expanding Design and Analysis Capabilities

The newly created solid models unlock a plethora of possibilities within your DWG environment:

  • Boolean Operations: These solid models can be used to perform essential boolean operations like union, subtraction, and intersection with other solid elements within your drawing. This empowers you to create complex 3D designs through the manipulation of solid objects.
  • 3D Printing Optimization: Since these are now true 3D solids, you can leverage them to calculate critical mass properties, including volume, area, center of gravity, and moments of inertia. These properties are essential for tasks like 3D printing, where precise material estimation and weight distribution are crucial.

Optimized File Sizes: STEP Format Support

Automesher 1.7.5 offers additional benefits when exporting your converted models:

  • Faceted BREP Entities: For meshes that already represent valid solids, Automesher offers the option to save them as optimized faceted BREP entities in the STEP file format. This format utilizes a compact representation, resulting in significantly smaller STEP file sizes compared to open shell surface models.
  • Open Shells for Non-Solid Meshes: Meshes that don't fully enclose a volume are still exported as open shells in the STEP format. This ensures all mesh data is preserved, even if it doesn't represent a complete solid.

By bridging the gap between meshes and solids, Automesher 1.7.5 empowers CAD users with a powerful toolset for design manipulation, analysis, and 3D printing preparation.