Automapki Application Creates Satellite Background Image in DWG Drawings

Empowering Design with Satellite Map Tiles in Automapki 1.4.0

The recent Automapki Application release 1.4.0 allows users to insert web map tiles directly into DWG drawings and create satellite or aerial background images for the selected working area. This feature gives every AutoCAD, BricsCAD, or ZWCAD user a new possibility to design and draw on top of any supported web map provider either MapQuest, Open Aerial, or Open Street Map.

Streamlined Storage: Saving and Reusing GeoTIFF Images

Based on user defined working area, Automapki software automatically downloads overlapping web map tiles, merges, wraps into the currently selected geographical coordinate system and creates one GeoTIFF tiled image that is finally inserted into the current drawing model space. The satellite background georeferenced TIFF image is saved in the selected local path and can be easily reused in other DWG based projects.

Efficiency and Limitations: Merging Web Map Tiles in Automapki

While downloading web map tiles is simple and finishes quickly, the process to merge every downloaded map tile and create a single GeoTIFF aerial image is time consuming, strongly dependent on the available memory, processor power and overall system performance. That is why the Automapki add-on limits the number of map tiles in the final GeoTIFF image to four hundred. However it does not limit the number of images that can be attached into DWG drawing.

Looking Ahead: Upcoming Features in the Next Automapki Update

Automapki plugin version 1.4.0 that adds satellite and aerial background GeoTIFF images to the DWG projects is freely available to download and evaluate in AutoCAD, BricsCAD, or ZWCAD during the first 5 initial days from the product page on our website. The next Automapki application update will come with the support for user defined WMS (Web Map Service) web maps.