Import and Export STL, OBJ, 3DS, PLY, 3DM, SKP, IGES, and STEP Files

Empower Your CAD Platform: Automesher's Solution for Handling Diverse 3D Formats

There is a common challenge in the world of CAD: working with 3D models created in external software that your primary platform (AutoCAD, BricsCAD, or ZWCAD) doesn't natively support. Automesher add-on bridges this gap by offering a powerful suite with the following features:

  • Extensive File Format Support: Import a wide variety of 3D file formats directly into your familiar CAD workspace. Automesher seamlessly handles formats like STL, OFF, OBJ, 3DS, IV, PLY, VRML, 3DM, SKP, SAT, IGES, BREP, and STEP. This eliminates the need for cumbersome file conversions or limitations imposed by your base CAD software.
  • Flexible Model Representation: When importing external models, Automesher empowers you to choose how the data is represented within your DWG environment. You can opt for polyface mesh, 3D solid, triangle faces, edge lines, or just points. This flexibility allows you to tailor the import process to your specific needs and downstream workflows.

Optimize Your Workflow: Exporting Polyface Meshes, 3D Solids, and Others with Automesher

Automesher empowers you to export your DWG models in various formats, including popular choices like SketchUp SKP and Autodesk 3D Studio's 3DS. The plugin can handle polyface meshes, polygon meshes, faces, and 3D solids during export, ensuring your data translates smoothly into the chosen format. Additionally, Automesher supports the ACIS SAT file format, allowing you to export drawing entities as true solid objects with a boundary representation.

Update: There is also the Automesher standalone desktop application that works outside any CAD platform as a Windows executable and allows importing and converting between 3D file formats. It supports many 3D file extensions including STL, OFF, OBJ, SKP, 3DS, IV, PLY, and others.